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Age-related warts

Age warts are also called verrucae seborrhoicae. They are benign flat, round skin patches and yellow to dark brown in colour.

Age warts are caused by too rapid a cell division of the superficial skin cells and usually occur in adulthood. They can gradually increase in number and occur mainly on the trunk and face. People with these warts may find them unsightly.

Frequently asked questions about age-related warts
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Treatments against Age-related warts

At Huidzorg West we offer various therapies to treat old age warts in an effective and safe way. In the initial consultation, we discuss your symptoms and assess your skin. We will then discuss a tailor-made treatment plan with you.In many cases, a combination of the different treatment methods is used. Depending on, for example, the size of the spot, these bumps can be removed by:

Treatments against Age-related warts

Frequently Asked Questions

Age-related warts

For many age warts, a combination of the different treatment methods is used. Depending on the size and number of spots, among other things, they can be removed by:

With curettage, we remove benign skin abnormalities with a sterile, sharp ring. The skin is anaesthetised with a spray, after which the curette is used to scrape off the unevenness of the skin.

During the electro coagulation treatment, an electric current is sent via a fine needle to the benign skin spot, which is then heated and destroyed. A numbing cream can be used as a pre-treatment; this is especially recommended for larger areas or areas that are more difficult to treat, such as around the eye.

In cryotherapy, the skin spots are treated selectively by freezing the tissue. This makes the skin smoother and more even, and the spots become less visible. The skin then heals without scarring.

Age warts are caused by an excessively fast cell division of the superficial skin cells.

Age warts usually develop in adulthood. They can gradually increase in number and occur mainly on the trunk and face. People with these warts may find them unsightly.

See our pricelist for the cost of treating Age-related warts.

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